Endless Darkness. Oppression. A Fragmented Society.
Sealed away in the bleak tunnels of Undercity, Teddy Peterson forages through the decaying remains of a shattered civilization. Surrounded by darkness, he and his adopted family of scroungers struggle to survive under the tyranny of the Upperlords. Their city is crumbling, and their tormentors don't care.
Desperate to save the people he loves, Teddy searches for answers. Just when he and his sister make a discovery that promises hope everything crashes down around them. Will he ever find freedom... and how many people might he lose along the way?
DOWN AND OUT is the first book in the Undercity Series—a young adult dystopian adventure. If you like visually stunning worlds filled with a diverse collection of engaging characters, you'll thoroughly enjoy digging into Kris Moger's society of desperation and hope.
Get your copy and explore the depths of Undercity today.
Amazon Reviews
Shelly in Sunny San Diego🌞
5.0 out of 5 stars Powerful writing makes you FEEL the story
Word-crafted to create visually stunning mental images, this story grips you immediately and does not let you go. The characters are very real people and you feel strongly about them, either positive or "love to hate them". Well worth the read, but start early enough not to keep you up past your bedtime. You will not want to put it down.
B. Dawson
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Adventure!
I'm glad I picked up this book to read because I have found a new series O will be reading over and over